Keep your business in business and make it wildly profitable.


I’m Julie Ogden, founder of Ogden Management. My mission in writing this book, and in my consulting practice, is to help businesses thrive. I show you how to create win/win outcomes as we work through projects to improve your bottom line. Everybody wins.

More on the Bottom Line is a book full of ideas that help owners and managers of small businesses keep more of the money the company generates by showing them actionable ways to improve profitability.

Many business books focus on the top line. My book, and consulting practice, focus on keeping more on the bottom line. I have dozens of ways to improve your company’s profitability in record time. Take your business to the next level and watch your company grow, thrive, and prosper.

Learn about my book: More on the Bottom Line

The ideas and concepts in this book have been developed and tested in the real world as I steered a high-tech company through many economic storms, and leveraged opportunities to make the company stable and profitable. My decades of real-world experience form the basis of this toolbox of proactive and proven methods to improve your company’s bottom line.

The number of untapped opportunities to improve the bottom line available to a small business is astonishing. In this book I present real-life, practical, and helpful concepts that are easy to implement. After just a quick read, you will see how more of the money that flows through a business can stay on the bottom line.

Ogden Management Consulting Services

Are you interested in help implementing the cost reduction and bottom line improvement initiatives found in the book?

Ogden Management can help you turn the ideas and practices found in my book, More on the Bottom Line, into reality. Together, we will improve your bottom line and put your company on more solid financial footing.